Dr. Carole Roy
“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based
on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but
also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness... And if we do act,
in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand
utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents,
and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance
of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."
~ Howard Zinn
I am Professor in the Department of Adult Education at St. Francis Xavier University. I received a BA in Women’s Studies and Liberal Studies (University of Victoria), an MA in Women’s Studies (York University), and a PhD in Philosophy (Adult Education & Community Development ) (University of Toronto). I have extensive experience as a non-formal educator with international, community-based educational exchange programs with Tunisia, Thailand, Uruguay, and in various states of India. My interests include women/older women activists and the use of arts in social movements and community development.
I have initiated and coordinated community-based documentary film festivals since 2005 [ReFrame, Peterborough, ON (2005-2007); Antigonish International Film Festival, NS (2007- 2019); Sydney, NS (2009); Inverness, NS (2009), and mini-film festivals at academic conferences]. I participated in organizing the Human Rights Film Festival at the School for Social Transformation, Arizona State University (2014). Finally, in collaboration with colleagues, we have shown 28 documentaries and done a research project in carceral settings as well as organized talks and the collection of 300+ books for inmates.
I have published numerous articles as well as 3 books: The Raging Grannies: Wild Hats, Cheeky Songs, and Witty Actions for a Better World (2004), Documentary Film Festivals: Transformative Learning, Community Building, and Solidarity (2016), and co-edited Working the Margins of Community-based Adult Learning: The Power of Arts-making in Finding Voice and Creating Conditions for Seeing/Listening (2016). I also worked with a filmmaker on two documentary films: Les Super Mémés (2010) and Granny Power (2014).
Awards & Recognition
2022 St. Francis Xavier University Outstanding Teacher Award
2016 Resolution No. 249, Honorable Randy Delorey, MLA Nova Scotia House of Assembly, in recognition of 10th anniversary of Antigonish International Film Festival
2012 St. Francis Xavier University Outreach Award (Antigonish International Film Festival)
2007 Peterborough Civic Award - Cultural Betterment (Peterborough Film Festival)
Antigonish International Film Festival https://antigonishfilmfestival.com
*Photos: Thanks to Blaise MacMullin for my photograph. All others are mine except the one at the top under Teaching.