Dr. Carole Roy
"If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. Your task is not to foresee the future, but to enable it."
~ de Saint-Exupéry (1952)
I look forward to working with you. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Hearing from Me
I will acknowledge your email within two days and will let you know how long before I can get back to you (within 2-3 weeks usually). *If you do not get an acknowledgement, please email me again or call me. Once in a while messages do get lost in cyberspace.
I will respond to your assignments with Track-Changes in Word (contains comments in balloons and colored text). A copy of your final assignments and key correspondence will be put in your file.
Please let me know when you received my feedback on an assignment.
Sending Me Emails
Put a message in the subject line to let me what the message contains.
If your email address does not show your name (e.g., StFX email addresses do not) make sure your subject line is clear or the message will go into Spam.
When you attach documents to an email, put them all in one file.
Drafts of Your Work
I am happy to consult with you and provide feedback as you develop your ideas and assignments in the program.
It is normal in a graduate program to revise work, especially at the research proposal, REB and thesis stages. When the program calls for a draft, I provide feedback and will return it as quickly as possible. A draft means you still have to edit your work for spelling and grammar. Have someone read your text for readability, simple grammar, etc.
- If you have questions about APA, please look these up--we all do.
Use the APA formatting guidelines for submitting all papers found on our webpage. Use the recommended format for cover pages, margins, font type and size. Double check references against the APA Guidelines on our webpage and the APA Manual (7th Edition). If you have questions about APA start by checking the manual or the reference to APA (7th ed) which can be found on the internet.
Our department works on the regular academic year and I am most available during the year–approximately Sept. 1-Dec. 15 and January 5-April 30. After that, my response time will be much slower. It is your responsibility to do your work within the designated time.
I am not off all summer but I do have a one month vacation (differs each year). Otherwise, I am doing research, teaching, making presentations at conferences, and conducting department business .