Dr. Carole Roy
Roy, C. (2016). Documentary film festivals: Transformative learning, community building, and solidarity. Sense Publishers.
Butterwick, S., & Roy, C. (2016). Working the margins of community-based adult learning: The power of arts-making in finding voice and creating conditions for seeing/listening. Sense Publishers.
Roy, C. (2004). The Raging Grannies: Wild hats, cheeky songs, and witty actions for a better world. Black Rose Books.
Co-editor, Special Issue – Refereed Academic Journal on Adult Education
Mantas, K., & Roy, C. (Eds.). (2020). Learning and teaching: Artful narratives of transformation. [Special Issue]. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 32(2).
Mantas, K., & Roy, C. (Eds.). (2020). Introduction. Learning and teaching: Artful narratives of transformation. [Special Issue]. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 32(2), i-v.
Butterwick, S., & Roy, C. (Eds.). (2018). Arts-making and adult education: Community settings [Special Issue]. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 30(2).
Butterwick, S., & Roy, C. (Eds.). (2018). Introduction. Arts-making and adult education: Community settings [Special Issue]. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 30(2), 2-9.
Refereed Articles
Roy, C., & McVicar, L. (2023). Screening inspiration: From documentary film festivals to carceral setting. Journal of Festive Studies, 4(1), 101-115. https://doi.org/10.33823/jfs.2022.4.1
McVicar, L., & Roy, C. (2022). ‘Eye-opening’: Case study of a documentary film series in a carceral setting. Studies in the Education of Adults Special Edition.
English, L., & Roy, C. (2015). Teaching the truth: Difficulties with social justice and social class in graduate school. Educational Considerations Journal, 42(3), 22-28.
Roy, C. (2014). Telling stories of resistance and change: Organizers of film festivals contribute to media literacy. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 26(3), 1-16.
Roy, C. (2012). ‘Why don’t they show those on TV?’ Documentary film festivals media, and community. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 31(3), 293-307.
Roy, C., & Eales, J. (2010). Masks and mirrors: From autobiographical reflection to unmasking interdisciplinary collaboration. Reflective Practice, 2(4), 433-450.
Roy, C. (2007). When wisdom speaks sparks fly: Raging Grannies perform humor as protest. Women’s Studies Quarterly, 35(3/4), 150-164.
Roy, C. (2005). The Age of Beauty Calendar for flood relief: Photography, community solidarity, fundraising, and vibrant older women. Convergence, 38(4), 69-84.
Roy, C. (2005). Pesky Raging Grannies: Speaking truth to power with wisdom, humour and spunky actions. Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 7(2), 13-23.
Roy, C. (2000). Raging Grannies and environmental issues: Humour and creativity in educative protests. Convergence, 33(4), 6-17
Roy, C. (2021). When wisdom speaks sparks fly: Raging Grannies perform humor as protest. Reprinted in K. Mantas & M. Dumont (Eds.), Grandmothers and grandmothering: Weaving creative and scholarly perspectives in honour of our women elders (pp. 193-209). Demeter Press. [Revised previously printed article]
Roy, C. (2020). Coming to a screen near you: Documentaries of inspiring stories of individual and community change. In D. E. Clover, D. Suriani, H. Gelderman, & K. Sanford (2020), Feminist adult educators’ guide to aesthetic, creative and disruptive strategies in museums and community (pp. 208-219). University of Victoria Gender Justice, Creative Pedagogies and Arts Based Research Group.
Butterwick, S., & Roy, C. (2020). Finding voice and engaging audiences: The power of arts-based community engagement. In B. Grummell & F. Fergal (Eds.), Doing critical and creative research in adult education (pp. 89-99). Sense Publishers.
Roy, C. (2018). Introduction to section 1: Activisms now and still. In M. Chazan, M. Baldwin, & P. Evans (Ed.), Activist aging: Older, bolder, and changing the world (pp. 24-27). Women’s Press.
Butterwick, S., & Roy, C. (2017). Voice and engagement: The power of arts-based adult learning. In S. Conceição, L. G. Martin, & A. B. Knox (Eds.), Mapping the field of adult & continuing education; An international compendium: Volume 2 (pp. 197-200). Stylus Publishing.
Roy, C. (2017). Older women, humor, and social activism. In B. Papenburg (Ed.), Gender: Laughter (pp. 199-214). Macmillan Reference.
Roy, C. (2016). Amplifying voices: Film festivals as outreach. In S. Butterwick & C. Roy (Eds.), Working the margins of community-based adult learning: The power of arts-making in finding voice and creating conditions for seeing/listening (pp. 51-60). Sense Publishers.
Butterwick, S., & Roy, C. (2016). Introduction. In S. Butterwick & C. Roy (Eds.), Working the margins of community-based adult learning: The power of arts-making in finding voice and creating conditions for seeing/listening (pp. ix-xiii). Sense Publishers.
Roy, C. (2015). More than laughter: Raging Grannies and leadership. In D. Clover, S. Butterwick, & L. Collins (Eds.), Women, adult education and leadership in Canada (pp. 231-241). Thompson Publishing.
Roy, C. (2010). The Age of Beauty: A story of consciousness. In Darlene Clover, Shirley Follen, & Budd Hall (Eds.), The nature of transformation: Environmental adult education (pp. 117-118). Between the Lines Press. (Invited to summarize an article published in 2006 in Convergence, 38(4), 69-84).
Roy, C. (2009). Agency and active citizenship through song writing and musical performance: The Raging Grannies’ lessons for music education. In E. Gould, J. Countryman, C. Morton, & L. Stewart Rose (Eds.), Exploring social justice: How music education might matter (pp. 304-316). Canadian Music Educators' Association.
Roy, C. (2009). The Raging Grannies: Outrageous hats, satirical songs, and civil disobedience. In G. Macdonald & E. Faulkner (Eds.), Victims no more: Resistance, women and the law (pp. 77-94).
Fernwood Books.
Roy, C. (2009). The Raging Grannies: Meddlesome crones protest with wit and flair. In J. Klaehn (Ed.), Roadblocks to equality: Women challenging boundaries (pp. 182-204). Black Rose Books.
Roy, C. (2008). Defying the thesis template to honour the Raging Grannies: A brief history of a long journey. In J. G. Knowles, S. Promislow, & A. L. Cole (Eds.), Creating scholartistry: Imagining the arts-informed thesis or dissertation (pp. 53-57). Backalong Books and the Centre for Arts-informed Research.
Roy, C. (2002). The transformative power of creative dissent: The Raging Grannies’ legacy. In E. V. O’Sullivan, A. Morrell, & M.A. O’Connor (Eds.), Expanding the boundaries of transformative learning: Essays on theory and praxis (pp. 257-271). Palgrave.
Roy, C. (2014). When wisdom speaks sparks fly: Raging Grannies perform humor as protest. Reprinted in Rain and Thunder: A Radical Feminist Journal of Discussion and Activism, 58, 8-12.
Artistic Creations: Films & Exhibition
Isacsson, M., & Clarke, J. (directors), & Roy, C. (writer). (2014). Granny Power! Documentary film. Pleiades Productions.
Isacsson, M. (director), & Roy, C. (writer). (2010). Les Super Mémés. Documentary film (French). Vidéo-Femmes.
Roy, C., & Eales, J. (2007). Exhibition Unmasking collaboration: Reflecting a fine balance. Human Ecology Department, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
Articles (non-refereed)
Roy, C. (2009). The Raging Grannies: Creative activism rooted in a sense of local and global community. Concept: The Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice Theory, 19(1), 27-31.
Roy, C. (2006). The irreverent Raging Grannies: Humour as protest. Canadian Woman’s Studies/Les cahiers de la femme, 25(3/4), 141-148.
Roy, C. (2006). Earth’s beauty is fading: Mischievous Raging Grannies to the rescue. Women & Environments International Magazine, 72/73, 27-29.
Roy, C. (2004). The Raging Grannies, blazing a trail of humorous protests: Meddlesome crones make it their business to keep an eye on the world. Canadian Dimension, 38(6), 22-26.
Encyclopedia Entries
Roy, C. (2007). Raging Grannies. Encyclopedia on activism and social justice. Editors: Gary L. Anderson and Kathryn Herr (pp. 1194-1195). SAGE.
Roy, C. (2007). Women’s collective actions. Encyclopedia on activism and social justice. Editors: Gary L. Anderson and Kathryn Herr (pp. 1479-1482). SAGE.
Technical Reports
Roy, C. (2009). Taking a documentary film festival on the road: Report on film festivals in Sydney and Inverness, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Report completed for the Adult Learning Knowledge Centre/Canadian Council on Learning (ALKC).
Roy, C., & Eales, J. (2007). Unmasking collaboration within HCIC: Reflecting on a fine balance. Technical report completed as part of Dr. Carole Roy’s post-doctoral fellowship with the SSHRC-funded MCRI Hidden Costs, Invisible Contributions (HCIC) Research Program.
Academic Conferences – Proceedings
Roy, C. (2022). Memory and identity in the time of the Internet. An autoethnography. Proceedings of the Adult Education in Global Times Conference/Actes de la conférence l’éducation des adults dans les temps globaux (39th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE)), pp. 289-295. Ed. Roula Hawa. (Online conference)
Roy, C., & McVicar, L. (2020). The practice of freedom: A case study of a film and discussion series in a carceral setting. Proceedings of the Adult Education in Global Times Conference/Actes de la conférence l’éducation des adults dans les temps globaux (38th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE)), pp. 619-625. Ed. John Egan. June 2020. University of British Columbia, Vancouver. (Conference cancelled due to Covid but Proceedings published).
Butterwick, S., & Roy, C. (2019). Art as lived: Art for life. Symposium (organizers). Proceedings of the 37th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE), pp. 46-53. Ed. John Egan. June 1-4, 2019. University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Roy, C. (2018). Field staff reflect on working with an international exchange program: Personal and professional transformative learning. Proceedings of the 37th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE), pp. 198-202. Eds. Robert McGray & Vera Woloshyn. May 27-29. University of Regina, Regina.
Roy, C., & Gray, V. (2017). Video making, photography, and digital storytelling with adult learners: A case study of the Antigonish County Adult Learning Association (ACALA) Media Expo. Proceedings of the 36th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE), pp. 451-455. Ed. Laura Lane. May 28-June 1. Ryerson University, Toronto.
Butterwick, S., & Roy, C. (2016). Finding voice and engaging audiences: The power of arts-based community engagement. Proceedings of ESREA Conference, Maynooth University, Dublin, Ireland (Sept 8-11). (Presented at conference by Shauna Butterwick).
Roy, C. (2015). Prisons the new frontier of human rights? Informal learning through the arts. Proceedings of the 34th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE). June 9-11. Université de Montréal, Québec.
Roy, C. (2013). Community-based documentary film festivals: Their role as alternative media. Proceedings of the Western Region Research Conference on the Education of Adults (WRRCEA). Oct 3-5. Seattle University, Seattle, WA.
Roy, C. (2013). Organizers of cultural events: Creating community and telling stories of resistance and change. Proceedings of the 32th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE), pp. 521-527. Eds. Colleen Kawalilak & Janet Groen. University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.
Roy, C. (2012). How transformative is a film festival? Exploring the contributions and limits of documentary film festivals. Proceedings of the 31th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE), pp. 296-301. Ed. Susan Brigham. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.
Roy, C. (2010). Reflecting on the screen and across borders: Film festivals, public spaces, citizenship education, and solidarity. Proceedings of the World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES). Ed. Fatma Gök. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Roy, C., & Young, S. (2010). Reflecting on the screen: Documentary film festivals and citizenship education. Proceedings of the 51st Adult Education Research Conference (AERC)/3rd Western Region Research Conference on the Education of Adults (WRRCEA), pp. 429-434. Eds. Priscilla Gandy et al., California State University, Sacramento, California. (Same as paper presented at CASAE a few days before this conference).
Roy, C. (2010). Masks and mirrors: Autobiography, research methodology and representation. Proceedings of the 29th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE), pp. 299-303. Eds. Susan M. Brigham & Donovan Plumb. Concordia University, Montreal.
Roy, C., & Young, S. (2010). Screens, life, and reflection: What we can learn from attending a documentary film festival. Proceedings of the 29th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference (CASAE), pp. 304-309. Eds. Susan M. Brigham & Donovan Plumb. Concordia University, Montreal.
Roy, C. (2009). Beyond the headlines: Documentary film festivals and citizenship education. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, pp. 241-247. Eds. Sara Carpenter, Marilyn Laiken, & Shahrzad Mojab, OISE/University of Toronto.
Roy, C., Whitwell, B., Krekoski, E., & Sutherland, K. (2005). From the edge of time: Young activists learn from elder activists. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, pp. 196-201. Eds. Shahrzah Mojab & Habiba Nosheen, OISE/University of Toronto.
Brillinger, M. F., & Roy, C. (2001). Learning in later life: Researcher’s initial impressions. Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, pp. 26-30. Laval University, Québec, QC. (Presented by Dr. Brillinger)
Numerous other Presentations at Academic and Practitioner Conferences